How Effective is Kybella for Treating Bra Line Fat?

Kybella in Pembroke Pines, FL

Kybella, an injectable sanctioned by the FDA, stands out as a revolutionary method for addressing bra line fat. At the forefront of offering a distinctive wellness journey, Yunik Aesthetics brings this solution to those plagued by areas that often need to be more responsive to traditional diet and exercise. This stubborn fat can lead to discomfort and […]

Can Kybella Be Used on Cheeks? 7 Things to Know


The effects of time on our bodies are made very visible with the help of gravity. The sagging skin around the cheeks (jowls) and double-chins make us very self-conscious. Thankfully, there is a treatment that fights even the most annoying old-looking cheeks – Kybella injections. Sagging cheeks is prominent among people aged 60 and above. […]

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