Kybella in Pembroke Pines, FL

Kybella in Pembroke Pines, FL

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable aimed at destroying the fat under the chin. This non-surgical approach utilizes a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid to burn the fat cells of the submental area, under the chin. This effective treatment is proven to permanently destroy fat cells with little discomfort and downtime.

By breaking down the membrane surrounding the fat cell, this injectable procedure can eliminate the fat cells in the treated area and decrease the extra volume and folds of a double chin. Your body’s organic healing process then eliminates the broken-down cells with a visible decrease in volume over the initial four-to-six-week period with a proven decrease in submental fat deposits should weight be gained in the future.

Off label, this injectable treatment has also shown promising results in blasting fat in other areas of the body as well including the jowls, bra line, and armpit folds, and inner thighs making Kybella an effective full-body treatment for localized problem areas of fatty deposits. 

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Kybella Injections by Yunik Aesthetics Medspa

Kybella Chin

Double Chin- Kybella is injected under the chin to break down fatty deposits and eliminate extra volume and folds permanently. The submental area typically requires a 3-4 injection session with an optimal healing time of 4-6 weeks between each round.

Kybella Bra Line/Armpit folds

Bra line/Armpit folds- Those pesky pockets at the corners of your underarms and bra line are unflattering and create unsightly bulges under clothing. This minimal invasive procedure has been proven effective to permanently break down these bulges and eliminate them once and for all. An area not effectively targeted with exercise or diet, Kybella injection is the perfect adjunct to refine your appearance and eliminate any signs of insecurity. This treatment area typically requires a 3-4 injection session with an optimal healing time of 4-6 weeks between each round.

Scar Treatment

Inner thigh- Continuing Kybella’s effectiveness of fat-blasting- it has shown effective in blasting the fat of the inner thighs and creating a permanent elimination of fatty deposits to reveal longer, slimmer legs. Due to increased area, greater amounts of injectables might be required with a typical need for 2-3 vials per leg with an optimal healing time of 4-6 weeks between each round.

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